Live blood analysis aims to show the state and interaction of your red blood cells, while the dry blood test reviews where acids may be pooling in the body. The information can be used in conjunction with other tests or as a standalone assessment of health allowing the practitioner to make specific dietary and lifestyle recommendations to help improve health. The tests are carried out by extracting a minute amount of blood from the fingertip and placing it on a microscope slide and then observing it through 2 different optical modalities of a high-powered microscope. This technique enables a blood analyst as well as a client to observe and analyse the features of the blood terrain via video monitor.

Among the phenomena observed in the live and dry blood are:

  • The level of activity of the immune system
  • The conditions of the red blood cells, liver, kidney, pancreatic, heart, lungs, prostate, ovarian, breast and other organ stress
  • Detection of the presence of parasites, yeast, fungus, mould and the degree of pleomorphic activity
  • Observation of features associated with blood sugar levels and imbalances
  • Observation of features associated with mal-fat absorption
  • Observation of phenomena associated with nutrient mal-absorption/vitamin deficiency
  • Observation of crystalline forms such as protoplasts, fibrous thallus, uric acid, cholesterol and myco toxins
  • Observation of phenomena associated with gastro-intestinal tract dysfunction
  • Observation of phenomena associated with degenerative conditions

According to Dr Young: "Live blood analysis is the ultimate test for prevention of sickness and disease. You can pick up health challenges months, if not years, before any other diagnostic medical test."

Dry blood analysis in action. Severe mineral deficiency


Live blood analysis in action. Cholesterol crystals. High cholesterol.


Cost: R700-00 1 hour